Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Make a Woman Sexually Attracted to You!

This can be one of the hardest things for a guy to accomplish. You have to be able to make a woman feel sexually attracted to you if you want to get things moving in the right direction. After all, what's the point of dating or pursuing a relationship with a woman if it's not ultimately going to lead to something a bit more physical, am I right? Yet, so many guys end up far from the bedroom with a woman that they really like and this is not a good thing.

If you want to be able to escalate things to a more physical level and become intimate with a woman, she HAS TO feel sexually attracted to you. Unfortunately, this is not something that you can make her feel just by snapping your fingers. There is no magic wand to make her want to tear off your clothes and jump into the bed with you.

So, what's a guy to do?

How can you make a woman feel sexually attracted to YOU?

1. Let's just be friends first is a No-No. Sure, there is the rare situation where a guy and a girl can start off as friends and then get physical, but that is indeed a rarity. Most women have to feel the sexual attraction FIRST and so you cannot try and establish a friendship when you really want intimacy in the sack.

2. Doing favors for her gets you nothing in return. Too many guys will try and do favors for a woman with the hopes that they will somehow be able to woo her in return. Yet, in most situations, the guy just ends up doing more and more favors for the women and gets nothing out of the deal but an empty wallet and an empty gas tank.

3. You have to be able to escalate her from the beginning. This is where you really have to build your attraction skills with a woman. From the very beginning you have to be able to slowly escalate her attraction for you, so that she begins to dream and fantasize about you being the guy that sweeps her off her feet in passion and lust. If you don't then don't expect anything more than a handshake and maybe a kiss on the cheek if you are lucky.

Being able to make a woman sexually attracted to YOU is a MUST if you want to be more than just a friend to her.

Want to learn how to sexually attract women?

Source: Ezine

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